Fuse Theatre Logo

Fuse Theatre


Peninsula Beyond the Bay East Bay


Creating meaningful theatre experiences to foster civic engagement.

Fuse Theatre believes in equity, justice, and inclusion for all. We believe our work is made stronger by the many voices, perspectives, and experiences we bring into our projects. We do this through three strategic initiatives: Education, Performance, and Partnerships.

Fuse Theatre encourages individuals and groups to engage meaningfully in their communities through theatrical experiences. We expand perspectives, challenge the status quo, and promote social, racial, and economic justice.Fuse elevates voices often unheard and stories often left untold to spark dialogue, learn with our audience, and move people towards civic action and social change

FUSE Theatre collaborates with partnering organizations to create theatrical experiences that respect and celebrate social awareness and a spirit of community. 

Additional Info

Box office phone : https://fuse.na.ticketsearch.com/sales/sales

Box office email : info@fusetheatre.org

Press inquiries contact information : https://www.fusetheatre.org/contact-us


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