Frederick Glaysher, Apollo's Troupe, The Parliament of Poets

Apollo's Troupe


Beyond the Bay South Bay North Bay East Bay San Francisco Peninsula


Frederick Glaysher, Apollo's Troupe, Epic Poet, Rhapsode, Producer
I'm an epic poet, rhapsode, poet-critic, author or editor of ten books, including The Parliament of Poets: An Epic Poem (294 pages).

Seeking solo performance in theatres, amphitheatres, colleges and universities, or other venues, TOURING, USA, CA, UK, EU, for the theatre version of The Parliament of Poets. 100 minutes. 


Apollo, the Greek god of poetry, calls all the poets of the nations, ancient and modern, East and West, to assemble on the moon to consult on the meaning of modern life, seeking our common humanity, coming together in peace and global community, with Don Quixote as Master of Ceremonies.

The story is a very multicultural, pluralistic, multi-religious interfaith tale of people coming together from all of the spiritual traditions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, and indigenous wisdom traditions. The major characters are all representative voices for their civilizations and the best of their teachings for peace and human harmony, evoking the common unity of humanity. One of the major themes is the power of women and the female spirit across cultures. 

Thirty years in the making, set partly at the Apollo 11 landing site, the Sea of Tranquility, Frederick Glaysher revives and combines the chanting and storytelling of the ancient Greek rhapsodes, Charles Dickens, and Edgar Allan Poe. Glaysher performs solo the main character, The Poet of the Moon, and Don Quixote, Merlin, Black Elk, Chief Seattle, Du Fu, Faerie Queene, Tolstoy, Dante, Job, Vyasa, Rumi, Borges, Sogolon, other poets around the world. 

A life-long student of world religions, Glaysher intimates a deeper, more universal conception of the human psyche than the exclusivisms of the past. 

The 100-minute solo production includes world music interludes, literary and cosmic projections.


I seek a theatre in the Bay Area, or a space in which I can create one, near as possible to Union Square, perhaps a storefront theatre on Powell Street, to accomplish the goals set out in my Theatre Industry Marketplace and am seeking Patron Donations and Gifts from supporters. In San Francisco in 2017 and 2018, I read at several poetry readings, including performing at Shelton Theater in the latter year. After more than another 30 performances, including nine blackbox theatres, and performing Off-Broadway in February 2024 at the Actors Temple Theatre in NYC, I believe San Francisco may be the city in which to develop my epic tale and revive the performing art of the ancient Greek rhapsodes for a contemporary audience. I'm currently working on presenting in San Francisco a reading / showcase of the production, perhaps in its entirety, for potential supporters and donors. Since I live in Michigan, I'd be grateful for any advice on how to successfully put that together. I attended the TBA General Auditions 2025 as an auditor, and was in SF for six days scouting too for talent and a theatre space

At some point I'm intending to hire two actors with experience performing Shakespeare for roles as accompanying rhapsodes for a two-hour production, and then ultimately bringing in many of the 30 other major characters for a three-hour production. Details below in Theatre Industry Marketplace. 

Theatre Industry Marketplace
Apollo's Troupe Webpage 
NYC Playbill Program for Solo Performance
Patronage Supports the Arts

Apollo's Troupe, LLC - Paypal Donation Page - EIN: 83-3830889 

By check, specify Donation or Gift on memo line, payable to Apollo's Troupe, LLC
5224 Aintree Road, Rochester, MI 48306 USA 

Over 70 epic poetry readings and performances at Off-Broadway Actors Temple Theatre (NYC), Theatre Passe Muraille at Toronto Fringe Festival, Theatre NOVA (Ann Arbor), Ringwald Theatre (Ferndale, MI), St Mark's Unitarian Church at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Hathaway’s Hideaway (Ann Arbor), Underground at Hilberry Theatre (WSU), Shelton Theater (San Francisco 2018), University of Michigan’s Rackham Amphitheatre, Wayne State University, Saginaw Valley State University, Detroit Public Library, Troy Public Library, Hannan Café, Austin International Poetry Festival (TX), Hudson Valley Writers Guild (Albany), Paint Creek Unitarian Universalist, Birmingham Unitarian, Grosse Pointe Unitarian, Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington, Troy Interfaith, Theosophical Society of Detroit, Crazy Wisdom Bookstore, East Side Reading Series, MUSINGS, Borders, Barnes & Noble, BookWoman (TX), Espresso Royale, Sweetwaters, Himalayan (Berkeley, CA), Café Trieste (SF), Cafe International (SF), Sacred Grounds Café (SF), Tuesdays at North Beach Branch Library (SF), Washington Park (SF), Florey’s Books (Pacific, CA), The Farmhouse, West Park (A2), Rochester Municipal Park Band Shell, St. Philip's Episcopal Church, 8th Parliament of the World's Religions 2021, etc.

In addition to a theatre course in the Interpretative Reading of Poetry in 1977, I studied Shakespeare with an Oxford scholar and in another course with one from Harvard. I have been a theatre goer all my life from my early twenties, and at the Stratford Festival in Canada since 1998, usually seeing three to four plays or more a year, a few times five to six, a major influence on my own performance, as well as the Shaw Festival, the Old and Young Vic, Noh plays in Japan, and Chinese opera in Beijing, and so on. I’ve also had voice lessons with a member of the Detroit Opera chorus and private lessons with a theatre coach in the Michael Chekhov Technique, who was the director for my two-hour production at Wayne State University in Detroit.

Opening Hymn. Theatre Passe Muraille, Toronto Fringe Festival. July 10, 2023. 2:16 minutes.

At Sea of Tranquility, Off-Broadway Actors Temple Theatre, NYC, March 2, 2024. 3:45 minutes.


"A memorable invocation began the show and, like a rocket, The Poet of the Moon is propelled into the Cosmos. With a long wooden staff, Glaysher appears like Prospero, a lasting call for peace and unity, a unique type of optimism." —Theater Pizzazz, NYC Review, Feb. 20, 2024, Off-Broadway Jewish Actors Temple Theatre

"A unique and moving experience.” —Michigan Michael Chekhov

“A great epic poem of startling originality and universal significance, in every way partaking of the nature of world literature.” —Hans G. Ruprecht, CKCU Literary News, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

“Certainly wowed the crowd with the performance and the words themselves.” —Hudson Valley Writers Guild

“A hopeful vision of peaceful coexistence as one united humanity. The performance was thought-provoking, moving, and inspiring. Our world is desperately in need of this message of peace, love and humanity.” —Rev Eric Williams, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Rochester, Michigan 

“Impressed, moved to laughter, tears. Held our attention for 90 minutes, stayed so energized, a feat in itself. A creative, powerful message with so many of the poet masters, phenomenal! Amazing life-time work!” —Rev. Leonetta Bugleisi, Unitarian Universalist, Michigan

"Like a story around a campfire." —From The Audience

Mr. Glaysher has written an epic poem of major importance. Truly a major accomplishment and contribution to American Letters.—ML Liebler, Department of English, Wayne State University, Detroit

"Very readable and intriguingly enjoyable. Frederick Glaysher’s hours of dedication have produced a masterpiece that will stand the test of time." —Poetry Cornwall, No. 36, England, UK

Seeking solo performance in theatres, amphitheatres, colleges and universities, churches, other venues, USA, CA, UK, EU, for the theatre version of The Parliament of Poets. 100 minutes. 

Video Media

Additional Info

Accepting script submissions? : No

How to audition : But attending auditions and exploring local talent with education and experience performing Shakespeare, one male, one female, to perform as rhapsodes, reviving the style of the ancient Greek rhapsodes. Long term intending to hire up to 30 actors.

How to rent space : Seeking to rent or create a storefront theatre, ideally as close to Union Square as possible.

Genre(s) : Solo performance

Year founded : 2019

Venue Capacity : 100-249, 250-499

Press inquiries contact information : Apollo's Troupe

Apollo's Troupe Website Page


Office address : 5224 Aintree Road
Rochester, MI 48306


Frederick Glaysher
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
Frederick Glaysher, The Parliament of Poets
The Poet of the Moon meets Don Quixote
The Poet of the Moon meets Don Quixote, next to a crater
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