The Writers' Room at Z Space

The Writers' Room at Z Space
Friday, August 9, 2024 (11:00 AM - 2:00 PM) (PDT)
Writing is done better near others! Join a weekly, structured playwriting room, intended to create a focused and accountable space for writers to do their craft, without distraction. The format is simple: We’ll gather around a table, quickly share what we’re working on, perhaps do a little warm-up, and then dive into writing together, in silence, for two 75-minute periods (with a little bathroom break in the middle).
The Writers' Room is a partnership between ZSpace and Theatre Bay Area.
About Peter Sinn Nachtrieb
Peter Sinn Nachtrieb, 6’6”, is a San Francisco-based playwright whose works include The Making of a Great Moment, The Totalitarians, boom, BOB, Hunter Gatherers, and A House Tour of the Infamous Porter Family Mansion with Tour Guide Weston Ludlow Londonderry. He is an alumna of New Dramatists and the former Playwright in Residence at Z Space in San Francisco. He likes to promote himself online at
Refund policy: If for some reason you are unable to attend this event, please let us know at least 24 hours before, and we will be happy to issue a full refund. We apologize, but we are unable to give refunds for late cancellations.
450 Florida St
San Francisco, CA 94110 United States
San Francisco